Saturday, October 20, 2012



When I ask someone why we worship lord Rama or lord Krishna, the one response I get most often is because they are god.  Few of us will say, because they fought for goodness and because they were great.

Not many of us want or try to know how they become a god and unfortunately our Hindu mythology did a pretty bad job telling us why. Mostly we are told that they were avatars and hence we worship them. That works for the most part of it and it unequivocally explains their greatness. However it misses the whole point why we were being told those stories and why we were told about god.

Let’s rewind our clocks centuries back and for a moment let’s assume you are the first one who wants people to have a concept of god. First of all why, would you want to do that? So that people can read nice stories and gets inspired by them. Well, Mahatma Gandhi’s stories do a good job in that, for most of us. Why do you need to invent god and not another Mahatma? After all, you are taking a far more difficult and risky job, by introducing people to a concept which cannot be proven at all.

I don’t know about the first man who invented this concept or chose to call Lord Rama or Krishna or Jesus; God. But if I would be that person, I would like to do it to tell people that there were humans who achieved such greatness. They achieved it through wisdom, knowledge and constant scrutiny. I would like to inspire them to fight with themselves to be that great. I would not want to tell them that god is born as god, as that will make them fear the god and not get inspiration out of it. I would like them to learn from god, try to be like god, try to follow the teachings god gave, and try to be as great as him.

The moment we say Lord Rama won from Ravna because he was a god is the moment we declare we can never won such a fight because we were not born a god.

To me that was a one sided fight between a human and a monster-human hybrid. If I would bet on that battle at that time, I would have bet on Ravna. It was Rama’s greatness as a human who gave him that victory and gave rest of us a great lesson.

The truth is no one gets born a god, but you can become a god. Being a Hindu, I do believe in the concept of reincarnations. I believe it takes many lives to become a god. But if god existed, he was one of us and he wanted to tell us that we can achieve same greatness as him.

To me, the whole concept of god exists to tell us that we should try to imitate him and try to be like him. If god exists and watching us over he would definitely want us to follow the same path he followed than to praise him or fear him.
But this one is just a thought, may be fiction….. In the end, that is how I defined god for me……..